Monday, November 17, 2008

:)The 1st Snow, and ice!!! :(

Today, we had SNOW! The weather channel never even said anything that we would have snow. The snowflakes never stuck to the ground. :( I wish it would have. The flakes were really big, they were as big as a penny!

On Saturday Night, it iced... It was really bad. You could actually hear it from inside. I had to hurry up and go outside to the shed to try to find the snow-and-ice deicer pellets, but couldn't find them. So, we have to go to the store to buy some soon. Hopefully it isn't too late when we get them. It would be horrible if we had two-and-up feet of snow, or a ton of ice on the ground... Since I have been in this state, we have never had more than a foot of snow...


Anonymous said...

wow nice blog. its really cute. i hope you could visit mine.

Popcorns and Opinions

Samantha Ysabelle said...

wow! so it's already winter there... cool! by the way, i got you an award. please claim it here: i added you to my blogroll already too.

enjoy your day!